Earn Rs.2 Lakh per month, from "Blogger", without writing any blog. Income from first day. Secret revealed. 100% Free, 100% Practical earning method on your mobile phone. Must watch this wonderful Post for full details.
- Created a New Blog in a Blogger (chick Here)
- (Here’s how to create a blog on Blogger without paying for a domain or hosting.)
- Created a account in Chat Gpt
- (The process to download and use Chat Gpt on a Android phone is as follows read more.)
- Going To My website And Copy The Tool Prompt
I am give Free Chat Gpt Prompt for Web Development Tools .
(List of Free Web Development Tools Chick Here)
- Copy The One Prompt
Example :- Write a complete responsive code of Image Compressor Tool with colorful styling and all its features use any free library if required to making this tool in HTML and CSS with JavaScript.
- Going To Chat Gpt And Past The This Prompt
(You just type in my prompt and Chat Gpt generates a response based on prompt and give you Coding.)
- Chat Gpt Write a Coding (Html, CSS and JavaScript Code)
- Copy The This Coding (write a coding in chat gpt)
- Going To My website And Open The My Tool
- Past The This Coding And Check The This Coding
- For blog post :-
1. Just Copy This Same Code ( write a code chat gpt)
2. Select New Post.
3. Place a Title.
4. Select Html View.
5. Pest This Code Here.
6. Select Your Label Name.
7. Customize Permalink - Select Custom And Place Title. Ok.
8. Place Heading In Search Description.
9. Publish Now.
- Created A Account In Adsterra
At Adsterra we stand for the publishers’ right to choose what ads to run on their own websites. We have worked hard to on the following solutions that will allow our publishers to stay in business and retain same profits:-
Adsterra is about to release new ad formats 100% compliant with Google Ad Experience rules and Better Ads Standard. Stay tuned.
- To add a website:-
- Click 'Add website' at the top of any page in your Adsterra account, or navigate to the Websites page and click 'Add new website'; a pop-up window will appear;
- Enter your website URL; make sure to include the domain name only (example.com); note that special characters are not allowed and get in touch with us should you be unable to add your website;
- Select the category that describes your website best;
- Tick the Ad Unit you'd like to add;
- Choose the campaigns that don't fit your audience;
- Click 'Add'.