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Sitemap Submitter Tool
Sitemap Submitter is a free tool that submits your sitemap to the major search engines, so
they can index it. The search engines include Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex. Sitemap Submitter
will also check your sitemap for errors! This tool is very simple to use.
A sitemap is a way for webmasters to communicate to search engines the hierarchy of
their website. Sitemaps are also intelligent because they can be submitted automatically, which means
that they do not need to be submitted manually. This can save webmasters a lot of time, and it is one
of the reasons why sitemaps are popular with many webmasters.
sitemap is a list of web pages on a website, and a sitemap submitter tool is an online tool that can be
used to submit a sitemap to search engines. The sitemap submitter tool is available free of
Why Submit Sitemap?
If you introduce new content to your website, you may either wait till search engines discover it, or you can help them out by providing sitemap.
You can learn more about this topic from Google or Bing.
Why Use This Tool?
There are multiple ways how you can notify search engines about new content.
- You can resubmit your sitemap in Bing or Google webmaster tools.
- You can visit special URL that will notify search engines about your new sitemap.
- You can use this tool and it will on your behalf ping Google and Bing.